Foods That Raise Testosterone and Libido

7 ELITE Foods That Raise Testosterone and Libido That Will Make Your Life Way Better

Are you looking into foods that raise testosterone and libido? These 7 elite foods are what you should be eating if your result is to improve your testosterone levels. These foods have been eaten for hundreds of years, and have constantly been tested and researched. It has been found that they help improve testosterone, raise your libido, give you a better sense of yourself and make you feel like a young bull all over again. Last but certainly not least, they will help you bring power and vigor back to the bedroom with your significant other. 

Foods That Raise Testosterone and Libido

Having your testosterone levels and libido in good health is a necessity if you want to live a long, healthy, prosperous life. As a man who majored in Human Nutrition and played college baseball at one point in my life, I quickly understood the importance of your diet and nutrition when it comes to your body, and especially your hormones. I’m going to reveal these 7 elite foods that raise testosterone and libido. 

You are going to learn about testosterone, libido, and the foods it takes to keep your levels as high as possible.

After learning these foods, you are going to be a pro at deciding what you should be eating to help improve your hormones. And ultimately, help improve your overall health and life no matter if you’re a man or a woman. 

If you stick around to the end of the article I have a special offer for you that you wouldn’t want to miss out on if you are REALLY serious about improving your testosterone and libido as QUICK as possible.

This post is all about foods that raise testosterone and libido

Elite Foods That Raise Testosterone and Libido

1. A fruit to help boost testosterone

Pomegranate is native to an area around Iran and India. They were one of the first fruit trees domesticated eastern Mediterranean area. It is a sweet tart fruit, with thick red skin that is non-edible. With the skin of the fruit being non-edible, it holds several clusters of juicy seeds inside. These fruits grow on trees, and need ample heat for the fruit to grow and ripen. The reason why pomegranates are so effective for men, is that it inhibits the conversion of estrogen in men. Women shouldn’t have to worry about this fruit lowering their estrogen. One study tested the benefits of pomegranate juice in volunteers, and they came up with a 24% average increase in testosterone just by drinking the juice everyday. The juice in the seeds are shown to have antioxidants that improve the amount of nitric oxide in the body, which helps blood flow and dilation of blood vessels. It also has more antioxidant activity and antioxidant capacity than any other fruit juice. These antioxidants lower cortisol, which is the stress hormone, which in turn will boost testosterone and libido. 

2. A spice that will boost libido

A lot of people don’t know Saffron is a spice that comes from a plant. The thread-like parts of the flower are dried and used to make the spice. It is mostly cultivated and harvested by hand, and because of the labor it takes to do this, saffron is one of the world’s most expensive spices. It is said people also use saffron for anxiety and depression. Coming in second and the reason why saffron and the reason why saffron is on this list, is because it has crocetin. This is a powerful nitric oxide producer, which like I said earlier, helps dilate the blood vessels in the body and downstairs. It is also loaded with other antioxidants that lowers stress and helps out with your hormones. 

3. This root will skyrocket libido

Ginger is in the same family which includes turmeric, cardamom and galangal. It originated somewhere in Southeast Asia. Ginger is one of the first spices to be exported from Asia. And in 2018, India led the world production in ginger with 32% of the world total production. There are many benefits that ginger has that will help boost your sex drive. The first is that it helps increase blood flow and helps lower blood pressure. And we all should know by now, having an higher blood pressure is connected with having a lower sex drive and even erectile dysfunction. Secondly, it helps lower oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Studies show when your body is inflamed and stressed out, you will have problems with your libido. Thirdly, in one study, it was shown to increase the luteinizing hormone in your body, one of the hormones sent down to a man’s testicles to signal the start of testosterone production. Another study also found that it could help a female’s fertility by improving the process of maturation of the ovarian follicle.

4. This mollusk will raise testosterone levels

Oysters are a mollusk and are found in many waters all around the world. Us humans are their most dangerous predator, because they can provide us with both nutritious food and a beautiful object of jewelry, a pearl. In more detail, a mollusk is a soft bodied animal that can and will protect itself with a shell. These animals are what some people call them “filter feeders”, opening their shells to let the currents of water pass through their gills to bring them oxygen and necessary food. They don’t usually just float in the water, they usually connect or hold themselves on a rock. The way that they form pearls, is that if an irritant or a grain of sand gets caught inside of their shell, they start to form a protective barrier around it. That substance that is secreted to help protect them is called nacre, and after layers of secretion it will eventually harden into a smooth, shiny pearl. Oysters have several benefits when it comes to testosterone and sex drive. For one, they have a high amount of zinc in them. About 76mg of zinc per serving. Zinc has several studies showing the improvements of testosterone levels when taken. Oysters also contain 59 trace elements including vitamins, amino acids and omega 3 oils. They are also very high in antioxidants. All of these are shown to increase testosterone and enhance libido.

5. This plant will get your t-levels going

Spinach is a green leafy flowering plant that is native to central and western Asia. It’s leaves are edible and what’s commonly eaten. It is said to have originated 2,000 years ago. Spinach is also related to beets and quinoa. What gives spinach it’s power to help with libido, is that it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals. Things like nitrates, magnesium, vitamin b6, potassium, and zinc. All these are shown to improve testosterone levels. There is also a plant steroid in spinach that’s completely natural called phytoecdysteroids. These compounds help with muscle mass and strength, which will increase your testosterone. This plant will also effectively decrease stress in your body, which we already learned, will increase your testosterone levels. Another reason why spinach is beneficial, is because it’s also loaded with antioxidants.

6. A cereal grain for the win

Oats is a species of cereal grain grown for its seed. For human consumption it’s most common way of being eaten is by oatmeal or rolled oats. We also eat the whole seed, outer seed layers, and the leaves and stems. Another common way of being eaten is feeding livestock and animals. In 2019, production of oats was about 51 billion pounds throughout the world. Both Russia and Canada had the most production totaling around 20% of production. Green oats, or oat straw, has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries for low libido. It is also said to have been a treatment for female infertility back in the day. According to research, there is a compound found in oats called avenacosides. This compound supposedly interferes with SHBG, and in return, helps your body produce more testosterone and raise libido. This food also has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects in the body. Another reason why it is beneficial to eat oats is that it helps lower blood pressure. We all should know by now if you have a higher blood pressure, chances are your sexual experiences are going to be lackluster. Not only do they help with blood pressure, but it also helps the body produce more nitric oxide. And nitric oxide helps dilate the vessels. Oats are also packed with even more important vitamins and minerals that are needed to having a good sex life and higher testosterone levels. Lastly, they are a good source of carbs. And carbohydrates help the body lower cortisol levels. And if you’re not familiar, cortisol and stress wreaks havoc on your testosterone levels.

7. Your testosterone will love this

First off, a lot of people don’t realize that bananas are technically berries. They are produced by several large flowering plants in the Musa genus. Bananas come in all different sizes, they may differ in color and firmness, but they are usually elongated and have a slight curve to them. It is said that they had been first domesticated in New Guinea. The largest producers in the world of this fruit were India and China in 2017. With the two of them together, they totaled around 28% of the production. Surprisingly, evidence shows that the longer a banana has to ripen, the higher the nutrient levels rise. Meaning, a black spotted ripe banana would have around 8 times the nutrients than a green unripen banana. This fruit is packed with several vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help your t-levels and libido. Potassium, one of the main nutrients in bananas, helps boost the production of testosterone. The manganese and magnesium in bananas help improve prostate health and reproductive organ functioning. Another way they are beneficial is that they are good for heart health and help improve circulation throughout the body, even downstairs. They are also a great source of bromelain and vitamin b, which helps regulate testosterone and improves sexual desire, virility and performance. 

Your FREE Offer

Now at this point, you should be able to make all types of gains as far as raising your testosterone levels if you simply start incorporating these foods in your day to day diet. But there is so much more to it when it comes to increasing your testosterone levels and keeping them high to help achieve the goals you want in life. And if you want the absolute BEST for your body, health, mind and soul, I offer a FREE 15 minute “4 Steps to Greatness” discovery call. It’s only for the men and women who are serious and want to take their results, lives, minds, and bodies to the highest level possible. You can click here, or scroll up and click on the “Work with Me” tab, and you’ll be directed to a calendar page where you can book the FREE 15 minute “4 Steps to Greatness” discovery call. This call is designed for us to get clear on the problems you are currently facing as far as testosterone, where you want to be or what you want to achieve, and if I can help you or not. Now is the time, no more waiting and putting it off. You’ve been looking and searching yourself long enough. You literally have nothing to lose from this FREE call, and everything to gain. Now is the time to finally get your levels back to where they need to be so you can have more drive, focus, and clarity. It’s time to be the boss in the office, boardroom, and/or the bedroom. Book that call and let’s get everything straightened out once and for all! 

This post was all about foods that raise testosterone and libido