How to increase testosterone levels quickly

5 secret steps how to increase testosterone levels quickly

Want to know how to increase testosterone levels quickly if you’re a man or woman? These 5 secret steps are what everyone should know if you’re looking to increase your testosterone levels quickly. They have been tested and researched over several years. The conclusions of these steps have been found to raise testosterone, increase your health, and give you more energy and power to live a longer, healthier life. And also, give you a kick in the bedroom to help you satisfy your partner.

How to increase testosterone levels quickly

Having your hormones and your testosterone levels in good standing is extremely important if you want to live a good life. As someone who majored in Human Nutrition at one point, and as a man who takes his testosterone levels seriously, I am going to give you the 5 steps on how to increase your testosterone. 

You are going to learn about testosterone, increasing your testosterone, keeping your testosterone levels high and more. 

After learning these steps, you are going to be a pro and very proficient in learning the ways how to increase your testosterone levels, and raising your testosterone levels if you are experiencing symptoms of having low testosterone, whether you’re a man or woman. 

This post is all about how to increase testosterone levels quickly that every man, or woman should know about. 

5 Secret Steps How to Increase Testosterone Quickly

  1. Sleep

The correct term that most people would agree with not getting enough sleep is called sleep deprivation. According to the CDC, 35% of adults don’t get enough sleep. Not having enough sleep for an extended period of time will affect your brain, body, mood and cognitive function, all negatively. Every single aspect of your health can be affected by sleep deprivation. Some of the effects that people notice when they’re sleep deprived is excessive fatigue, clumsiness, weight gain or weight loss. Now the reason why I put sleep in this list, is because your testosterone levels increase while you’re asleep, and decrease the longer you’re awake. That’s because the highest levels of testosterone production happen during REM sleep, the period that happens late in the sleep cycle that helps rejuvenate the body and mind. One study found that when the participants had 5.5 hours of sleep or less for 8 days, they showed a 10-15% decrease in testosterone production. So essentially, to see a quick boost in testosterone production, you should think about getting a good sleep schedule, about 7-9 hrs a night. And not only sleep, but more importantly make sure you stay sleep long enough to get multiple REM cycles a night. Because that’s where most of our testosterone is going to be produced.

    2. Diet

Next, what makes up your diet and what you have in your diet plays a huge role in what your hormones do, and how your testosterone levels thrive. You basically want to have natural, organic foods in your diet, with your meat grass fed, if you do eat meat. You want to have all your foods as minimally processed as possible. You should think about staying away from vegetable oils (fried foods), fast foods, processed foods, and diet drinks as much as possible. You also would want to stay away from a high sodium diet, foods and drinks with a lot of sugar, and a heavy dose of foods with polyunsaturated fats and trans fats. Vegetable oils and fried foods are very harmful to the body. Research shows that when the body is constantly exposed to the harmful vegetable oils, these oils promote inflammation and diseases in the body. And this is what we DON’T want. You want to lessen the inflammation as much as possible. These oils are also linked to having a lower production of testosterone. Fast foods and processed foods basically fall into the same category. A lot of fast foods are also processed. The reason why this is harmful to the body is because companies and manufacturers usually add in so many preservatives and ingredients that are harmful to the body. And the reason why I said organic, grass fed meat is because of basically the same thing. Some companies that sell meat that isn’t organic and grass fed will feed the animals steroids and inorganic food that they weren’t meant to eat. This food promotes inflammation in their bodies before they are cut and sold. And we end up ingesting it and taking up the inflammation from their bodies into ours.

    3. Stress

Along with the other step on this list, lowering or eliminating stress from your life can be an easy way to increase testosterone levels quickly. When your body is constantly under stress for a long period of time, it can have harmful effects to your endocrine system. Cortisol is the main stress hormone that is released in the body when a person is in a stressful situation. This hormone, cortisol, is what suppresses testosterone production. And when we’re constantly stressed, we’re constantly releasing cortisol. Which is why your body won’t produce as much testosterone as it could.

    4. Workout

The simple act of working out on a consistent basis will help raise your testosterone levels, whether you’re a male or female. There have been numerous studies over the years about this. Their findings are basically, people who workout on a regular basis, have higher levels of human growth hormone (hgh) and higher levels of testosterone. One reason why this is, is because body fat is very estrogenic. So, people who have higher levels of fat on their bodies, normally have lower levels of testosterone. And if you are working out constantly, chances are, you won’t have high levels of fat on your body. So your testosterone levels are free to thrive. The next reason is that people who have more muscle mass on their bodies, normally have higher levels of testosterone also. So if you’re doing resistance training on regular intervals, your muscles are growing, which in turn, testosterone levels are high. Muscle also helps keep body fat percentages low. Essentially you want to keep body fat percentages at healthy levels, to keep that estrogenic body fat off. And also you want to be doing strength training and resistance training to be constantly using and growing your muscles. If you’re doing these things, then you are bound to see increasing levels of testosterone.

    5. Supplement

I know I put diet as one of the secret steps on this list. But at times the diet can get so complicated, and we as humans need so many nutrients and vitamins, that it’s almost impossible to get everything we need in just our daily diet. That’s why I have supplements on this list. And if you know me, you know I’m not TOO big on those “testosterone supplements”. What I mean by supplements is supplementing certain vitamins, minerals etc that will help with our hormones/testosterone/bodily functions. For example, zinc is one of my favorite supplements to take. It’s so easy to lose zinc out of our bodies, because we lose it through our sweat. And if you’re a very active person, you’ll be losing alot of it. And if you didn’t know, zinc is so important not only to our hormones and our testosterone, but it’s important to our overall health and bodily functions. Vitamin D is another one. Yes, you could always get outside for a certain amount of time everyday to get some sunlight so your body could make some natural vitamin d, and with that being said, you should. But we as humans are so busy and have so much to do with our lives, a lot of times it’s hard. So that’s where supplementing vitamin d comes in. All in all, supplementing certain vitamins and minerals can help a ton by boosting your testosterone levels, even if your diet is solid.  

Now you should be able to make all types of gains as far as raising your testosterone levels if you simply start incorporating these things in your day to day life. But if you want more help to achieve the goals you want in life, and if you want the absolute BEST for your body, health, mind and soul, I created my exclusive online group program, “The Birth of an Alpha”. This program isn’t for everybody and I don’t let everybody in. It’s only for the men and women who are serious and want to take their results, lives, minds, and bodies to the highest level possible. You can click here, or scroll up and click on the “Work with Me” tab, and you’ll be directed to a page where you can book a free 10-15 minute call. This call is designed for us to get clear on the problems you are currently facing as far as testosterone, where you want to be or what you want to achieve, and if I can help you or not. Now is the time, no more waiting and putting it off. Now is the time to finally get your levels back to where they need to be so you can have more drive, focus, and clarity. It’s time to be the boss in the office, boardroom, and/or the bedroom. Book that call and let’s get everything straightened out once and for all.

This post was all about how to increase testosterone levels quickly