Testosterone Supplement for Men

Testosterone supplement for men | 6 incredible testosterone supplements for men (and for women)

Want to know testosterone supplement for men every man, or even women, should know about, but most likely doesn’t? These supplements have been tested and researched hundreds, and even thousands, of times and the findings are very consistent time and time again. They all have been found to raise testosterone, help raise libido, and help people feel strong and with way more energy to help you power through your day, and even in the bedroom.

Testosterone Supplement for Men

Now, having a good idea of the supplements you need to add in your diet to increase, or even keep, your testosterone levels high is very important. And if you are like me, you like to keep the leverage to have everything you need to keep your health and your testosterone levels as high as possible. I’m a man that loves to keep everything on point, and when I majored in Human Nutrition, I became a nerd even more when it came to men and women’s testosterone health, and the supplements for men and women to keep your testosterone sky high. I am going to give you a range of natural, and man made supplements, that you should consider adding in your diet to keep your drive, mood,  and health in check.

You are going to learn about testosterone supplement for men and women, both natural and man made. 

After learning about these, you will then see the differences in your body for both men and women once you start adding these to your everyday diet. 

This post is all about testosterone supplement for men, (and even for women) that everyone should know about if you want your testosterone as high as possible. 

Best testosterone supplement for men (and women)

Now, the first few I’ll start the list with are going to be natural supplements that both men and women should have no problem taking. I know some people get confused about supplements thinking that women shouldn’t take certain supplements because all they know is that these supplements are known to raise testosterone. But just because that’s true, doesn’t mean women can’t take these supplements or nutrients either. 

    1. Zinc

Zinc is a chemical element that should be found throughout the body. It is a slightly brittle metal at room temperature, and when oxidation is removed, it has a silver-grayish color. Zinc is also chemically similar to Magnesium. 7 to 15 milligrams are said to be the daily recommended intake, but since zinc is lost through sweating, if you’re the active type, you need to be supplementing even more than that. Now the reason why zinc is so important to our bodies, is because it’s essential for many of our bodily functions, and it plays a vital role in over hundreds of enzymes in the body. It also blocks the action of aromatase, which changes testosterone to estrogen in men’s bodies. Women, you have nothing to worry about, you’ll still produce your needed estrogen. It just works differently in men’s bodies. Some studies have also shown to increase sperm volume and motility. In women, it will help balance hormones, production of eggs, and overall fertility health.

     2. Boron  

Boron, just like zinc, is a chemical element that could be found throughout the body also. But unlike zinc, it is not abundant in the Earth’s crust or solar system. The ideal daily intake is said to be around 6 milligrams. One study in 2015 published by IMCJ, found that taking at least 6 mgs for a week had several benefits. It was found that it increases the body’s metabolism from total testosterone to free testosterone. Some other benefits found are, increases free testosterone levels by 25%, and cuts the amount of estradiol in men’s bodies by half. For women, it’s also said that it helps balance their hormones.

     3. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is a vitamin that is fat-soluble. It is referred to as a vitamin, but it really is a hormone. It helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus. It is mainly made by the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. The problem is, the majority of the population doesn’t get outside often. We stay inside our home (not active enough), and then we get up and go to work somewhere inside of a building almost all day. And then we do that over and over again. So that is the reason why a lot of the population has a vitamin d deficiency. What makes vitamin d3 so helpful for testosterone is that, it is essential for sperm cells, maintaining good levels of sperm counts, accelerating your sexual drive, and of course, increasing your testosterone levels. It controls and maintains several bodily functions, hormones, virility, and helps sexual activity. Studies has shown it is linked to the endocrine system, meaning low vitamin d3, low testosterone. And vice versa, high vitamin d3, results in higher testosterone levels. For women, it increases fertility. It is also shown to promote egg cell maturation. In one study of women, a deficiency of vitamin d resulted in reduced fertility as much as 75%.

Now the next few testosterone supplements are going to be manufactured and produced in factories and are marketed to men, so I’m not sure if these would be beneficial to women. And before I list some of them, I should say I’m not BIG on these types of supplements. A lot of them are overpriced, and a lot of them might have good nutrients, but they might not be the right doses to even have a good effect for you. They have what they call “proprietary blends”, and they don’t show the EXACT amount of nutrients in them. Nothing will be better for you than getting a good solid, balanced diet than relying on supplements or pills.

  1. Prime Labs, “Prime Test”

Now, one of the best sellers I’ve found was called Prime Test by Prime Labs. Apparently, it’s very popular, and sells alot. The only downside is that it has a big proprietary blend, and you really can’t tell how much of each nutrient is really in each serving. The price of it is somewhat affordable at 19.99 last time I checked.

     2. Nugenix “Total-T”

This next product I’ve found was very popular and also a high seller. It’s called Total-T by Nugenix. Now they call themselves a testosterone booster, but I looked at their label, and they only have 1mg of zinc per serving. One thing they do have that’s positive is that they have 10 mg of Boron, so that was good. But at around 60 dollars a bottle, I think what they have in their product is very overpriced last time I looked. They have another “blend” that only has 150 mg of Ancient Peat extract and apple fruit extract.

      3. Influx Inspire “Extreme Test”

Now this product, just like the last 2, is supposedly very popular, with a lot of people buying it. The problem that I see with this one though is that it doesn’t show the exact amount of ANY of the ingredients in the pills. The whole nutrition label is a “proprietary blend”. The blend has a total of 1484 mg, of all types of herbs. So yes, the herbs are shown to be beneficial to testosterone levels. But you don’t really know how much is in each serving, and if it’s enough to actually see benefits. The price is actually good though, at around 20 dollars a bottle last time I checked. 

You should be able to make considerable gains as far as raising your testosterone levels if you just add some of these supplements to your diet. But the truth is, it takes way more than this if you want the absolute BEST for your body, health, mind and soul. This is why I created my exclusive online group program, “The Birth of an Alpha”. This program isn’t for everybody, meaning I don’t let everybody in. It’s only for the men and women who are serious and want to take their results, lives, minds, and bodies to the highest level possible. You can click here, or scroll up and click on the “Work with Me” tab, and you’ll be directed to a page where you can book a free 10-15 minute call. This call is designed for us to get clear on the problems you are currently facing as far as testosterone, where you want to be or what you want to achieve, and if I can help you or not. Now is the time, no more waiting and putting it off. Now is the time to finally get your levels back to where they need to be so you can have more drive, focus, and clarity. It’s time to be the boss in the office, boardroom, and/or the bedroom. Book that call and let’s get everything straightened out once and for all. 

This post was all about testosterone supplement for men. (and for women)