Testosterone Workouts

Testosterone Workouts | 7 exercises you can do to boost testosterone and libido for an UNIMAGINABLE life

Are you currently searching or have been looking for testosterone workouts? These 7 exercises will give you a testosterone boost, and take your libido sky-high. These movements have been researched and studied for years, and what these people have come up with is they help boost testosterone, raise libido, keep you strong and looking sexy.

Testosterone Workouts

If you don’t know, your testosterone and libido levels play a huge role if you live a great, long, satisfactory life, whether you’re a man or woman. As someone who majored in Human Nutrition at one point, played college baseball, and is very active working out, I understood at an early point how working out was very beneficial to your testosterone levels. I’m going to uncover 7 exercises you can do for quick and easy testosterone workouts. 

You are going to learn about testosterone workouts, how working out will benefit your libido levels, how to increase your figure to stay looking sexy, and much more. 

After learning these 7 exercises, you will have a better understanding on what testosterone workouts are, how to put them together and execute them, how to increase muscle mass, how to lean out and lose weight, increase your sex drive, and how to live a healthier life no matter if you’re a man or woman. 

And if you stick around to the end of the article, I have a special offer for you that you wouldn’t want to miss out on if you are REALLY serious about improving your testosterone and libido as QUICK as possible.

This post is all about testosterone workouts

Amazing Testosterone Workouts

  1. This body weight movement will boost your testosterone

Bodyweight exercises will always be superior to non-bodyweight exercises as far as the total amount of muscles being used to execute the movement. For instance, executing a proper pushup uses far more muscles than a standard bench press. That’s why pull ups are on this list. Being able to do pull ups is one of the quickest ways to assess your overall strength, and strength to bodyweight ratio. And if you’re not a stranger to me and this website, you’ve seen me say that for men, most of our androgen receptors are in our upper body. This is also a very good exercise to widen our back, make our shoulders and back look broader, and give us that tapered V shaped look that women love so much. For women, this type of exercise will strengthen your upper body and will help enhance that figure 8 shape men love to look at. For both men and women, this is a good exercise to boost testosterone and libido, and at the same time give you a sexy, attractive look. 

      2. This movement will give you Super Hero shoulders and boost testosterone

Going back to upper body exercise again, shoulder raises are a staple exercise in a lot of workouts. This is a great exercise because you get to isolate those smaller shoulder muscles, get them defined and grow them over time. And once again for men, this is a great exercise to hit because of the location of our androgen receptors. This exercise will definitely grow the width of our shoulders, and give us that more broad, strong, confident look. For women, this exercise will also help you to give you more of that curvy figure 8 look.

      3. This exercise is for Olympic athletes and for people who want a gold medal for testosterone

I put this movement on this list because this is a measure of straight full body strength, and explosiveness. Hang cleans, if you don’t know, is an Olympic movement. Most likely, if you know how to execute this movement the right way, then grow your strength and the amount of weight you’re doing, this will take your testosterone and libido sky high. You get the benefits of having a strong upper body from lifting and snatching the bar, then at the same time you will develop a stronger lower body from supporting all that weight you’re snatching. We will get into it later on how having a stronger lower body can and will raise testosterone levels. Ladies, this movement can be important to you because this Olympic movement incorporates the squat movement women love. That can definitely help develop that curvy figure men love. 

      4. This movement takes your libido a “step-up”

Now step-ups are a key exercise because it is a lower body workout and it has been tested and researched several times that when working out the lower body, you will inevitably increase your testosterone production. It incorporates several muscles, and even more when you start to add more weight with dumbbells in your hand. This exercise is also good because it’s very versatile, you can hit it in the gym or at home, on a bench, table, chair, etc. as long as whatever you’re using has a stable base. For women, not only will you raise your testosterone and libido if you start doing this exercise, but you will also help put curves on your sexy figure. The reason why is because this movement isolates the glutes, quads, calves, even a little of the hamstrings and abs. For men, it will help give us a solid strong base that will help balance out our figure. We don’t want to get too strong up top in the upper body, but don’t have any strength or size in our legs. And believe it or not, a lot of women love men with a strong pair of legs and a nice shaped butt. 

      5. Row the boat for high testosterone

The next movement on this list is doing rows or a variation of bent over rows. This exercise is a key to isolating the back, especially the upper back area of the body. And if you remember, men’s androgen receptors are in the upper body. This movement helps keep our back strong and broad, and will definitely help with our posture if you work somewhere where you sit a lot. Hitting our upper back with this movement will help you broaden and widen your back, giving you the strong V shape figure, that women love if you’re a man. And for women, this will help balance your figure in the upper part of your body, just in case you focus a lot on your legs and getting your booty right. A lot of women don’t realize that you can add more sexy curves to your figure if you balance out the strength in the upper body; don’t be scared to work out and increase your strength in your upper body, you won’t get “too swole”. 

       6. Your midsection can also raise your libido

Doing all this work on our upper body and lower body, you will forget an important part of the body to workout. This part of the body is essential to hit, and it is the abs. That is why I added hanging knee raises to this list. Hanging knee raises are a very good exercise to hit, whether it’s the abs or the obliques. Exercising the abs will not only help boost your libido and testosterone, but it will help tighten up that core and give you that tight lean midsection everyone thinks is sexy. For women, giving you that tight core will help enhance that figure 8 shape you want. And for men, it will help tighten up that midsection to go along with our strong, broad upper body to give us that V shape women love.

       7. “Ass to grass” to raise your testosterone and libido to the sky

This movement is the holy grail of movements in the gym world. And also on the same token, it’s probably one of the most hated exercises by a wide range of people. Not because it doesn’t have any benefits, in fact this movement has many benefits if done right, but because it burns so good. The exercise that I’m talking about is the good old standard squat. With so many variations, the squat is the ultimate exercise for the lower body. But with a lot of starters and beginners, the regular standard squat would do wonders for you. When done correctly, the squat is one of the most beneficial workouts you can do in the gym. And on top of that, it will certainly boost testosterone and libido levels. It targets so many muscles in the body, especially the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and even the back and abs. Like I said earlier, lower body workouts have shown to help produce more testosterone, which in turn, will increase your libido for men and women also. With women, you all should know you don’t have to worry about your figure with this exercise. This will certainly enhance your figure and keep you looking sexy. For men, keeping that strong stable lower body is a necessity, and this movement will help with that.


Now at this point, you should be able to make increasing gains as far as raising your testosterone levels if you simply add these exercises and movements to your workout regimen. But the truth is there is so much more to it when it comes to increasing your testosterone and libido levels and keeping them high to help achieve the goals you want in life. So if you want help with specific workouts, and if you want the absolute BEST for your body, health, mind and soul, I offer a FREE 15 minute “4 Steps to Greatness” discovery call. It’s only for the men and women who are serious and want to take their results, lives, minds, and bodies to the highest level possible. You can click here, or scroll up and click on the “Work with Me” tab, and you’ll be directed to a calendar page where you can book the FREE 15 minute “4 Steps to Greatness” discovery call. This call is designed for us to get clear on the problems you are currently facing as far as testosterone, where you want to be or what you want to achieve, if I can help you or not, and lay out a roadmap from where you are to where you want to get to in life. Now is the time, no more waiting and putting it off. You’ve been looking and searching yourself long enough. You literally have nothing to lose from this FREE call, and everything to gain. Now is the time to finally get your levels back to where they need to be so you can have more drive, focus, and clarity. It’s time to be the boss in the office, boardroom, and/or the bedroom. Book that call and let’s get everything straightened out once and for all! 

This post was all about testosterone workouts