foods that help testosterone

6 EXCLUSIVE foods that help testosterone so that you can DRASTICALLY change your life for the better

Are you interested in knowing foods that help testosterone? These 6 exclusive foods are what you should take a look at if your goal is to help your testosterone out. They have been tested, researched, and documented to have benefits for your hormones, especially testosterone. These foods have also been found to help raise libido, give you more energy throughout your day, and help you feel like your younger self all over again. Not to mention, it will power you in the bedroom with your lover, and bring passion back stronger than ever. 

foods that help testosterone

Having your hormones, and especially your testosterone levels in good health will help you live a longer and healthy life. As a person who majored in Human Nutrition, and as a man who takes his health and testosterone levels seriously, I’m going to reveal these 6 exclusive foods that help testosterone. 

You are going to learn about testosterone, foods that help testosterone, foods that help raise your libido, and more. 

After learning these foods, you’re going to be able to easily make meals and better food choices to raise your testosterone, keep your testosterone levels high, and keep your hormones in good health, whether you’re a man or a woman. 

This post is all about foods that help testosterone 

Exclusive Foods that Help Testosterone 

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is a food produced from fermenting milk with bacteria. We call these bacteria, yogurt cultures. The sugars in the milk that are fermented by this bacteria produce lactic acid. That lactic acid acts on the milk protein to give yogurt it’s texture and flavor that you recognize. Cow’s milk is the most common milk used, but people all over the world use buffalo, goat, camel, plant milk, etc. Of course, each type of milk is different and brings different types of flavors. Now the reason why I say yogurt can help testosterone, is that the probiotic bacteria in the yogurt helps with fertility benefits and testosterone. In a study published in 2014, male mice that were fed yogurt developed larger testicals, higher testosterone and higher sperm concentrations. In conclusion, yogurt will not only improve testosterone, but it will also improve your gut health, immune system, and digestion due to the helpful bacteria in it.

     2. Broccoli

Broccoli is usually associated with the cabbage family and it’s an edible green plant. It has a large flowering head, stalk and small leaves that are often eaten as a vegetable. And It is closely related to cauliflower, and it is eaten either raw or cooked. It is a rich source of vitamin c and vitamin k. A lot of it’s nutritional benefits are lost when it’s boiled, so if you want the maximal benefits, it’s better if you steam it, or buy it steamed. The reason why this is on the list is because it’s a cruciferous vegetable. Cruciferous vegetables are very high in phytochemicals that block estrogen production. So it is very beneficial for you to get a healthy amount of these in your diet. The more you start to eat these, the more your body is primed to limit estrogen production in men. For women, you’ll be just fine. Your estrogen levels won’t fall. If anything, it will just help your body level out your hormone production, including raising your testosterone levels from the vitamins and minerals in these vegetables.

      3. Potatoes

Potatoes are a starchy root vegetable, native to the Americas. It was originally believed to have been domesticated by Native American people. But further research and genetic testing traced it back to a single origin in the area of Peru and Bolivia. It is said potatoes have been domesticated 7,000 to 10,000 years ago in that area. Today they are still a staple food in many parts of the world, and as of 2014, they were the world’s fourth largest food crop. The reason why they are on the list, because they are a great source of carbohydrates. Carbs help lower cortisol levels.  And if you didn’t know, testosterone and cortisol oppose one another. The higher your cortisol, the lower your testosterone levels will be. The lower your cortisol, the higher your testosterone levels will be, simple as that. Potatoes are also one of the best sources of carbs, other than oats. This is because it is said that they do not contain gluten, which will mess with your testosterone levels. So think twice about going on that low-carb diet, your body needs carbs to perform optimally and keep those testosterone levels high. 

      4. Eggs

I know this shouldn’t be a surprise to any of you that eggs are on this list. Eggs are very common to people who not only want to build muscle, but also want to raise testosterone. Now to understand how they help testosterone, you have to get the basics of how testosterone is produced. Testosterone, in a real short version, is built from cholesterol and saturated fats, mainly cholesterol. This is because cholesterol is basically the building blocks to testosterone. Kind of like how amino acids are the building blocks to protein. In order for your body to make protein, it needs amino acids present. Same thing with testosterone, in order for your body to produce testosterone, it needs cholesterol present. Once your body finds out that your testosterone levels are low and needs to make more, it sends signals down to your testicals, if you’re a guy, or ovaries, if you’re a woman, and that’s where it is produced. Then your body basically collects the cholesterol presently floating around in your bloodstream, and uses it for the production. Now enter eggs. Eggs are a good source of cholesterol. Once you get a good amount in your diet, you’ll have the cholesterol present ready for your body to use it for testosterone production. But the key is, not to go overboard with it. You don’t want to overdue the cholesterol and fats in your diet, because then you will be dealing with a whole other set of problems, i.e. blocked arteries, high blood pressure etc.

     5. Bison

This food you might think is kind of weird, and you might think it’s kind of a surprise. Bison is a really good source of protein, and personally, it tastes a little better than regular beef from cows. Most people know these animals and associate them with the Native Americans, because Native American were usually shown to hunt these animals from horseback. It is said that Bison and their ancestors have been dated back on Earth 2 million years ago, and there are species still alive to this day. Not only are they a good source of protein, but they are also a good source of cholesterol and saturated fats. And like I said before, cholesterol is a building block of testosterone. That is why bison is on this list. Just make sure you get grass-fed and organic. That way you are not ingesting animals that have been eating something they weren’t supposed to be eating. 

6. Avocado

The avocado comes from a tree that most likely originated from south-central Mexico. And contrary to popular belief, it is not a vegetable, it is actually a fruit. In 2019, Mexico was the leading supplier of this fruit, supplying 32% of the world total. Several people say that avocado is somewhat bad for you because of the high fat content of the fruit. But that is where they are wrong. As far as testosterone goes, avocado is one of the most beneficial foods to raise testosterone. Remember I said earlier, cholesterol and fat are the building blocks of testosterone? Well, avocado is loaded with them. In fact, about 71% of it’s makeup is monounsaturated fats, which are great for boosting testosterone levels. Monounsaturated fats and saturated fats are great for testosterone. Just remember, watch how much of it you are consuming, because you don’t want the negative side effects of consuming too much fat. To add to the healthy benefits, avocados have as many as 20 vitamins and minerals. 


Now at this point, you should be able to make all types of gains as far as raising your testosterone levels if you simply start incorporating these foods in your day to day diet. But there is so much more to it when it comes to increasing your testosterone levels and keeping them high to help achieve the goals you want in life. And if you want the absolute BEST for your body, health, mind and soul, I offer a FREE 15 minute “4 Steps to Greatness” discovery call. It’s only for the men and women who are serious and want to take their results, lives, minds, and bodies to the highest level possible. You can click here, or scroll up and click on the “Work with Me” tab, and you’ll be directed to a calendar page where you can book the FREE 15 minute “4 Steps to Greatness” discovery call. This call is designed for us to get clear on the problems you are currently facing as far as testosterone, where you want to be or what you want to achieve, and if I can help you or not. Now is the time, no more waiting and putting it off. You’ve been looking and searching for yourself long enough. You literally have nothing to lose from this FREE call, and everything to gain. Now is the time to finally get your levels back to where they need to be so you can have more drive, focus, and clarity. It’s time to be the boss in the office, boardroom, and/or the bedroom. Book that call and let’s get everything straightened out once and for all!

This post was all about foods that help testosterone